Emergency First Aid Kit
You never know when an accident will happen or an emergency involving your cat. Keeping an emergency kit at your home is a good idea. You can put a first aid kit together yourself and buy the items separately or buy one ready-made. If you make one yourself, use a small plastic tub with a tight fitting lid to store the following items:
Phone Numbers
Veterinary clinic phone number and directions
Poison control center phone number
Emergency clinic phone number and directions
Neighbor or pet sitter if you have other animals at your home
Equipment & Supplies
Clean towels (cloth and paper)
Magnifying glass
Rectal thermometer
Lubricant such as Vasoline, KY Jelly (non-spermicide), or mineral oil
Disposable gloves
Nail clippers and metal nail file
Disposable gloves
Styptic powder or sticks, Kwik Stop, etc.
Syringes of various sizes
Grease-cutting dish soap (Dawn 0riginal formula)
Eye dropper or oral syringe
Needle-nose pliers or hemostats
Feeding tubes of various sizes (consult veterinarian for proper usage and training)
Bitter Apple or other product to discourage licking
Cotton swabs
Pet carrier
Cotton balls
Towel or blanket to keep your cat warm during transport (some pharmacies or camping supply stores carry thermal blankets)
Cold packs and heat packs (wrap in towel before using on pet)
Rehydrating solution (i.e., infant, non-flavored, clear Pedialyte)
High sugar source - Clear Karo syrup
Nutritional supplement such as Nurti-Cal, Vitacal, or Nutristat
Bandaging Materials
Square gauze of various sizes (sterile and non-sterile)
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Non-stick pads of various sizes
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First aid tape - both paper and adhesive types
Bandage rolls - gauze or Vetwrap
Band-aids (for humans) of various sizes
Medication ***
Wound disinfectant (Betadine or Novasan)
Triple antibiotic ointment for skin wounds or as advised by veterinarian
Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment (for eye infections) - Terramycin, etc.
Eye wash solution
Sterile saline
Antidiarrheal medication such as Pet Pectate (should NOT contain salicylates) or, in a pinch, Imodium AD (ask veterinarian for dosing instructions)
Cat laxative in paste forms (i.e., Doctors' Foster & Smith Hairball Remedy, Laxatone, or Petroleum Jelly)
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for allergic reactions (obtain dosage instructions from your veterinarian)
Cortisone spray or cream (i.e., Itch Stop)
Ear cleaning solution
Hydrogen peroxide (induce vomiting - ONLY use as directed by veterinarian or poison control)
Activated charcoal to absorb ingested poisons (consult your veterinarian before using)
**** Check the expiration dates on ay medications and replace as needed.

© Pelaqita Persians