Today's Date *
How did you hear about us? * - Select One - Google Other Search Engine A Friend Other
This Application is for? * - Select One - Only Me Two Owners
Physical Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number Applicant 1 (LAND LINE ) *
CELL PHONE - Applicant 1 *
Employment Status * Select One Employed Not Employed Student Teacher (active or retired) Police (active or retired) Military (active or retired) Fireman or Firewoman (active or retired) Nurse (active or retired) Social Worker (active or retired) Work from home Do not work outside the home Disabled, retired, etc.
If employed or retired, please tell me what you do or did? *
Phone Number - Applicant 2 (LAND LINE )
CELL PHONE - Applicant 2
Applicant 2 Email
Employment Status (applicant 2) Select One Employed Not Employed Student Teacher (active or retired) Police (active or retired) Military (active or retired) Fireman or Firewoman (active or retired) Nurse (active or retired) Social Worker (active or retired) Work from home Do not work outside the home Disabled, retired, etc.
If employed or retired, please tell me what you do or did? (applicant 2)
Housing * Select One House Condo Apartment Townhome
Including yourself, please list the name(s) and age(s) of all HUMAN occupants of your home? *
List the name(s), the age(s), and species in your home or who visits regularly and will come into contact with this kitten? *
Have you ever owned a cat before? * - Select One - Yes No
Have ever owned a Persian before? * - Select One - Yes No
What experience have you had with Persians, including any grooming experience? *
Does anyone in your home (or who visits regularly) have allergies to cats? * - Select One - Yes No
Do you agree to NEVER declaw this kitten or cat in accordance with my Health Guarantee? * - Select One - I will NEVER declaw I want to declaw
Do you agree this kitten or cat is to be kept ONLY INDOORS AND NEVER ALLOWED LOOSE OUTSIDE? * - Select One - Yes, it will never be allowed to be LOOSE outside. No
Do you (or anyone that lives with you or visits frequently) smoke or vape (ANYTHING) INSIDE the house? * - Select One - Yes No
Have you ever returned a pet before? * - Select One - Yes No
Have you ever given a pet away or relinquished a pet to a pound, shelter, or rescue? * - Select One - Yes No
Veterinarian Telephone Number (area code) number *
Phone number of Pet Reference. (area code) number *
Would you prefer a: * - Select One - No preference Kitten Adult
Ideally, when would you prefer to add a Persian to your household? * - Select One - Between now and six months Between seven months and one year I am in no hurry
Do you want a: * - Select One - No Preference Female Male
Select what color or colors you would like the kitten (or cat) to be - (multiple selections okay) - Select Colors - - Select Colors - No Preference White Black Blue Red Cream Tortoiseshell (Female cat ONLY) Calico (Female cat ONLY) Dilute Calico (Female cat ONLY) Blue-Cream (Female cat ONLY) Black Smoke Blue Smoke Blue-Cream Smoke (Female cat ONLY) Cream Smoke Cameo Smoke (red tipped hair) Dilute Cameo Smoke (cream tipped hair) Tortoiseshell Smoke (Female cat only) Calico Smoke (Female cat ONLY) Blue Tabby Brown Tabby Red Tabby Cream Tabby Cameo Tabby (red tipped) Brown Patched Tabby (Female cat ONLY) Blue Patched Tabby (Female cat ONLY) Silver Tabby Blue Tabby & White Brown Tabby & White Cameo Tabby & White Red Tabby & White Cream Tabby & White Silver Tabby & White Brown Patched Tabby & White (Female cat ONLY) Blue Patched Tabby & White (Female cat ONLY) Silver Patched Tabby & White (Female cat ONLY) Choice 62
All kittens (or adult cats) regardless of their quality will already be spayed or neutered. I no longer sell intact (breeding) cats. Do you agree that your kitten or adult cat will come already spayed or neutered? * - Select One - Yes No, I want an intact cat.
Have you read (and do you agree to) my Deposit, Refund, and Forfeiture Policies (on my website at * - Select One - Yes No
In order to receive the 3-year Health Guarantee, do you agree to continue feeding this kitten or cat ONLY Life's Abundance dry cat food AND/OR Pro Plan Lamb & Rice Sensitive Stomach dry food? Some of the kittens prefer to only eat LIfe's Abundance while other kittens prefer to eat the Pro Plan Lamb & Rice for Sensiive Somach. The third possibility is the kitten may prefer to eat both - in which case keep a bowl of each kind of food down. If you do not agree to continue feeding the same food, you will only receive a one year Health Guarantee. * - Select One - Yes, I agree to continue feeding the same food to receive the 3-year guarantee. No, I do not agree to continue feeding the same food and want a one year guarantee.
Who will be the primary caregiver for this kitten or cat? *
How many hours (on average) per WEEK will this kitten or cat be alone?
Where will this kitten or cat be kept during the day and during the night?
The kitten or cat client is solely responsible for making delivery or pick-up arrangements. * - Select One - I will be picking up the kitten or cat from your home. I will be flying to Ohio and coming to your home to pick up the kitten or cat and return to my home. I will make arrangements with a pet courier.
Use the space below to tell me anything else about yourself that you would like me to know.