Persian Cat and Kitten Information
Persian cat and kitten information is very plentiful on the internet and through other forms of social media. Persian cats are one of the most popular and easily recognizable breeds in the world. Information about the Persian is everywhere on the internet, many books have been devoted to the Persian cat, and many of today's Persian breeders and cat lovers have web sites about their favorite feline. Below is a very short overview of the Persian. Links to more comprehensive sources are shown at the bottom of this section, including some of our favorite books about Persians.
Persian cats have beautiful, long flowing coats, with a short compact, well-balanced, heavily boned body and short, thick legs. They have large, round, expressive eyes set wide apart, and a broad round head with small ears.
Persians are known for their gentle, sweet and laid back personalities. They are generally quiet and calm, which isn't to suggest that they do not like to play. In my opinion, Persian cats should never be allowed outdoors.
Persian cats do require regular grooming and bathing to keep their coats clean and unmatted. A daily combing is recommended making sure to check for mats behind the ears, under the chin, and under the arms. Persian cats also may require that you wipe their eyes on a daily basis with a warm wash cloth, or other product to prevent staining.
Over the past 20 years, I have found Persians to be very affectionate and loving, and they get along well with other cats and our dogs. Persian cats like nothing better than to cuddle up and sleep next to you if you happen to sit down, and they make excellent bed buddies!
Click here to review a few of our favorite books about Persian Cats, Kittens, health, grooming and more!

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