Persian Cats and HCM

7-week old kitten
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of heart disease in cats that is characterized by the thickening of the heart muscle. It can result in congestive heart failure, thromboembolism (the blocking of a blood vessel by a particle that has broken away from a blood clot at its site of formation), and occasionally sudden cardiac death.
HCM Symptoms
HCM Treatment
Is HCM Genetic?
Genetics 101
Offspring receive a copy of each gene; one from the mother and one from the father. If a mutation occurs in one copy of the gene, it is "heterozygous" and are usually not affected but are considered carriers. If both copies of the mutated gene are present, it is "homozygous".
In Maine Coons, cats that carry one copy of the gene mutation ("heterozygous") usually do not develop HCM when they are young (less than 5 years old). It is unknown what happens to these cats when they get older. There are cats that carry one copy of the mutated gene ("heterozygotes") all of their life and never develop HCM. Others develop mild to moderate HCM, live with it and never have a problem. However, these heterozygotes cats do pass on the mutation to their offspring. Cats that have two copies of the gene ("homozygotes") usually develop HCM between 6 months and 5 years old.
HCM is believed to be a recessive (homozygous) genetic disease, but there may be an environmental part in developing the disease. In Maine Coons and Ragdolls the homozygous recessive appears to increase the risk of development of the HCM disease. However, not all cats with the homozygous recessive develop HCM and some cats (in these breeds) do develop HCM but do not have the defective gene.
Click here for an explanation of inheritance probability.
Ultrasound and Genetic Testing for HCM
EveryCat Foundation and HCM Research
Since there is a DNA test for HCM in Maine Coons and Ragdoll, it seems a pity that one of the most popular breeds (Persians) does not also have a test available. It is necessary for the Persian breed fancy (breeders and owners) to come together to help fund (and to submit samples) for the research necessary to develop a breed specific DNA test.
The solution to this problem is simple, donate to the EveryCat Foundation (f/k/a Winn Feline Foundation) to fund the necessary research. To make a tax deductible donation, visit the EveryCat Foundation website.
- Under the question "Select Fund?", choose "Persian HCM fund"
- Continue filling out the rest of the on-line donation form.
What is Pelaqita Persians Doing for HCM Research?
I have submitted buccal (DNA) swabs, pedigrees, and, if requested, a copy of the ultrasound results of each of my cats to:
Gus Cothran, DVM
107 VMA Bldg.
College of Veterinary Medicine
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4458
Dr. Cothran has been conducting research into HCM since 2008.
Pelaqita Persians offers a six (6) year guarantee for HCM as an addendum to our written health/genetic guarantee to our Persian kitten buyers.
Additionally, I make a donation to the Persian HCM fund, in the name of each kitten sold. The new Persian kitten owner will receive notification from EveryCat (formerly known as - Winn Feline Foundation) of the donation made in the name of their kitten.
What Can You Do?
All cat lovers and Persian cat breeders should make a monetary donation to the Persian HCM Fund via the Every Cat Foundation website to fund the necessary research.
- Under the question "Select a Fund", choose "Persian HCM fund"
- Continue filling out the rest of the on-line donation form with your contribution amount.