About Us | persian kittens for sale | The home of Pelaqita Persians

Our Home

Our Persian cats are, first and foremost, our much-loved and pampered companions. We breed our Persian cats and have Persian Kittens for Sale. Our Persian kittens are raised in our home with lots of love, attention, and proper socialization. Our Persian cats are normally not caged, they live free in our home, sleep in our bed (when they choose), and roam our home. The only time one of our Persians is enclosed (in a specially made large enclosure) is when we need to provide a safe environment for a cat to have a litter, when a cat may get ill and needs to be separated from others, to quarantine a new arrival, and for our intact, stud cats (to prevent unwanted breedings and to prevent harm to other cats). We use CD&E enclosures to provide the roomiest and safest environment when needed.

Persian cats are so important to us that we created this site to provide information about: the history of Persian cats, to share pictures of our Sires and Dams, to provide information on - the type of Persian cat breeders who are breeding Persian cats, and how to find a good Persian cat breeder. In addition, we offer information and educational resources including articles about -
grooming Persian cats, supplies and toys for Persian kittens and cats, feline behavior, the PKD1 health issue, nutrition for kittens and cats, animal rights, and recommendations for books about Persian cats.

We strive to breed cats that adhere to CFA Persian breed standards as we show our cats. However, we cannot keep every kitten that our cats produce and those kittens are destined for the loving lap of their new owner.

We take our responsibility as breeders of Persian cats, pet ownership, and care seriously. Our home/cattery is proud to be a CFA Cattery of Excellence every year since 2005. CFA Cattery of Excellence is issued to those homes/catteries that have been inspected every year by a licensed veterinarian and points are issued based on several criteria including: how the cats and kittens are housed, cleanliness of the home/cattery, the health of cats and kittens, general behavior and socialization of cats and kittens, food storage, and safety of the home/cattery. To learn more about the CFA Cattery of Excellence program, please visit the CFA website.  The CFA closed the Cattery Environment program in 2024.

Pelaqita Persians is proud to be a PKD1 free cattery. Our breeding cats have been DNA tested by Optimal Selection which runs a genetic testing panel for  40+ genetic health tests, plus blood type, along with traits and genetic diversity. One of these tests is the PKD1 gene.  All of our cats are negative. Therefore, all of our kittens are PKD1 negative.

Persian cat health is very important to us and are diligent in our efforts to keep our cats and kittens healthy and happy. Therefore, in addition to providing our Persian cats with lots of love, socialization, room to roam, proper health protocols, and vaccinations, our breeding cats are tested for, and are negative for, FIV, FeLV, and PKD1 (DNA test). We have a ringworm-free home. We specialize in bi-colors. A written contract and five (5) year health-genetic guarantee are provided with all our Persian kittens.

Pelaqita Persians - Inception

Pelaqita (pronounced "pela-key-ta") is the registered cattery name with the Cat Fanciers' Association ("CFA"). We are registered with the CFA in order to show and  breed purebred Persian cats that adhere to the CFA Persian Cat Breed Standard (pdf file, will open in new window).

Almost 25 years ago, I decided that I wanted to show Persian cats. My goal was to use the same tools, ethics, continuing education, and commitment that I developed while breeding, training, and showing German Shepherd Dogs for close to 20 years.

While raising dogs, I became better educated and continued to educate myself about the German Shepherd Dog, their conformation, behavior, training, nutrition, and showed my dogs in both the obedience and conformation rings in both AKC (American Kennel Club) and UKC (United Kennel Club) sanctioned events.  I am a former 4-H leader and have taught dog obedience.  I was a member of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America for almost 30 years, a former member of the Rocky Mountain German Shepherd Club, and a former member of the Laramie Kennel Club where I taught dog obedience through that club to its members and the outside public. Over the years, I gained the respect of my peers and the people I have placed my puppies and older dogs with.

My love of Persian cats came about many years ago when I saw a Persian cat at a cat show. I fell in love with their personality and beauty and decided that some day I would have a Persian cat of my own. Well, many years later that dream finally came true.

John and Susan MacArthur | About Us | persian kittens for sale pelaqita persians

I have been married to my husband, John (a retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander) for 25 years and John is an integral part of Pelaqita Persians. John serves as chief financial contributor, chief litter box scooper, head of carrying and toting of cat carriers, grooming supplies and boxes, and many other items needed at cat shows, and all around unpaid help. In other words, I could not continue my love of Persian cats without his love and assistance.

John and I share our home in Pleasantville, Ohio (United States) with Bandy (Pembroke Welsh Corgi), Connor (Irish Wolfhound), three mixed-breed rescue cats, Buddy, Baby Face and Shadow and our Persian cats. We also have several outside animals consisting of: chickens, a male peacock (Henry), an unnamed female peacock, an Arabian horse (Monte), and a Mini-Donkey (Rumba) who loves to give "kisses" to your face.

I have been very fortunate to have had the guidance of several people who have provided me with an enormous amount of information and their time. Thank you to Donna Waskiewicz of Posh Persian who became a close friend, Laura Thomas of Purrinlot Persians,  Janet and Carissa of Cacao Cattery, Pam Rutan of Top Shelf Persians, and CFA Judge Pam Bassett of PaJean!

Most importantly, for the past several years, I have been fortunate to have made a great friend in Steve Kalmer of Pur-Snickity Persian Cattery in Florida.  He has become my breeding partner  and our lines/pedigrees just "work" together.  A special thank you to one of my best friends and "my brother from another mother".