Historical Facts about Exotics

Historical Facts of the Exotic Cat BreedAs compiled by:   Carissa Altschul Persian Breed Council Secretary Historical Background At the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) Board of Director’s meeting June 11-12, 1966, Mr. Winn & Mrs. Martinke presented a new program for hybrids. Quoting from the 1966 CFA yearbook minutes, pg 113. “It had first been envisioned as a solution to … Read More

History of the Persian Cat

Persian Breed HistoryOpinions vary on when the Persian cat first appeared, how it got its name, and how the breed spread across the globe. This article outlines some of the popular views about Persian cats. There are references to the Persian cat in hieroglyphic records as early as 1684 B.C. It is believed that the Persian cat is named for … Read More

Holiday Dangers

Holiday DangersSpecial dangers await your cat during the Holidays. Thousands of cats suffer injury or become deathly ill and die each year during this time of year. During this busy time of year, we often forget about our four-legged family members during all the festivities. Cats are just as curious and anxious about the holiday season as we are. Holiday … Read More

Household Poisons and Cats

Household Poisons and CatsMany common items that can be found in most homes are toxic to cats. Below is a list of some of those items. I have also outlined some of the symptoms that are common. What To Do:   IMMEDIATELY CONTACT YOUR VETERINARIAN! ASPC Poison Control Hot Line: (888) 426-4435.  A consultation fee may apply.Common Toxic Household Items … Read More

How Old Is My Cat?

How Old Is My Cat?For years, pet owner have been led to believe the way to figure out how old our cats or dogs were in “human” years was that “one year equals seven ‘human’ years”. This way of calculating the age of a dog relative to humans has never really worked well. This is because there is such a … Read More

How to Contact a Cat Breeder

How to Contact a Persian Cat BreederIs there a right way or wrong way to contact a Persian cat breeder? I believe so. To maximize your success for getting a response from a kitten breeder follow these easy steps.Tips When Contacting a BreederVisit their website and check to see if they are showing or not. To me, a responsible breeder … Read More

How to Introduce a New Cat

How to Introduce a New CatCats are solitary creatures and do not like change, especially if that means bringing another cat into their domain. In the wild, cats usually only get together for mating and raising babies.  The cat that has been the only cat in the home may have some issues if the owner brings home a second cat … Read More

HSUS ‘Fact Sheet’ Distorts Animal Control Issues and Answers

HSUS Distorts Animal Control IssuesBy Norma Bennett Woolf (Used with permission) Introduction Is the problem of pet overpopulation serious? Are there other concerns besides just too many pets? Can such a huge problem be solved? Are there other ways to help solve the problem of pet overpopulation? Is it all right to breed my pet if I find good homes … Read More

Introducing a New Kitten to the Household

© Adobe Stock ImagesNew Persian Kitten IntroductionGetting a new Persian kitten and adding it to your household should be a fun and exciting experience. Cats are territorial and may not take kindly to this addition to “their” domain. The key is a gradual introduction of the new pet to the resident cat in your household. The following suggestions should assist … Read More

Is Your Cat Eating More – Or Less?

Is Your Cat Eating More – Or Less?Have you ever noticed that your cat eats less during the warmer, summer months than during the cooler wintertime? According to a four-year study of 38 cats published in PLOS ONE journal, April 2014, there may well be a correlation of a cat’s food intake and seasonal changes. PLEASE NOTE: Do not confuse … Read More